domingo, 28 de abril de 2019

What is my favourite piece of technology?

My favourite piece of technology probably is the smartphone or the computer both works pretty the same but one is more portable than the other, whatever they are really usefull and easy to use especially if it's conected to internet.

I got my first smartphone when I was 12 and I used it to listen music and play videogames basically, from there I could connect to internet and started discovering this new wolrd. Also I got my first laptop when I was 13 but I used to play videogames with the family computer so I knew how to use it. When I was in high school I use it to download and play videogames and programs, also to made my school work and navigate on internet. Now I use the smartphone and the computer daily mainly to study and sometimes for fun (listen music play a a video game for a little time).

I really like technology I use it a lot and it makes our lives easier and in my personal experience the smartphone, laptop and internet allowed me learn a lot of things, get a lot of fun with videogames Youtube and books.

Resultado de imagen para technologyIf I had not the smartphone or laptop I would have to get books on library, I could not listen music when I want or browse things on internet or play videogames, in fact even my career would be damaged because digital audio would not exist so technology is really important for me.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

Why I choose my career?

When I was a kid the last thing to worry about was what to do with my life, I used to play a lot of video games on the computer and console whit my friends. When I grew up a little and started to think what job I want or what I want to do whit my life, I wanted something that was related with math and technology because I like spend time on computers a lot and I was very good on math, also something that use science like physic or chemistry because I love understand how works the universe and the world when we live, so my first option was architecture but whit the pass of time I deleted that idea. My second option was some engineering, informatic or something related, that was my posture until third year of high school, then I met my actual career because the idea of being an engineer didn't fill me completely and music fill that part. I used to play with programs that manipulate audio and learn from them, I thought that it can be just a hobby, but when I looked on the internet and found the sound engineering career in University of Chile and realize that this could be a serious job I loved it immediately, so in that moment I decided that I wanted to become a sound engineer and I moved to Santiago just to study the career. Once here I thought that this new city will be a really challenge but finally it was not, until now I love the career even if it is dificult because consume the 99% of my time but is something that I have to do. In the future I would like to job in any of the areas of my career. I would very happy if I can work as a music producer or attending musicians or just working with audio technology developing it etc.
My Autobiography

My full name is Sebastian Ignacio Toro Castillo, I was born in Concepcion, Region del Bio Bio, I grew up on Talcahuano and when I was 10 years old moved to Chillan, there I finished high school then I moved to Santiago with my mother. Now I'm studying Sound Engineering on University of Chile. I like mi career a lot and I hope finish it.
My Family is composed by my mother, she supports me in everything I do, also my grandparents with those I grew up, and finally a sister who is in high  school. I like listening to music and learn how music and sound works, I also like reading and spend time on internet learning new things.

What are some of my favourites pastimes/ hobbies? When I was a child  I liked a lot play nintendo video games with my friends I had a lo...