jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

What are some of my favourites pastimes/ hobbies?

When I was a child  I liked a lot play nintendo video games with my friends I had a lot of free time because I was doing well on school, then when I went to high school I started to play computer video games and get interesed on music and audio so also I started to using audio programs and Digital Audio Workstations like Live or Fl Studio and spent time on them 

Now being on university, it demands a lot of my time so when I have free time I use it in almost the same things that I used to did before: listen to music, play videogames on the computer but also now  like to see videos on internet and memes, watch movies and enjoy their soundtracks is also something that I really like. Another thing that I like is save money to buy things that I like. I already have two keyboards, one flute, one acoustic guitar, and my monitoring earphones it's not too much but they've been useful on university and given me a lot o entertainment.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola Seba, me llamo Luciano, ha pasado tanto tiempo y he intentado buscarte de muchas formas pero el unico lugar donde consigo encontrarte es en este blog. Aunque el titulo no pegue mucho, soy tu tio, me gustaria saber de ti, nos gustaria saber de ti... de paso te deseo feliz cumple! teni un primo de 15 años q estuvo de cumple el 20, un dia despues del cumple tuyo =0 hace rato q te ando buscando pero no hay nada y bueno, entiendo quizas el por qué de la situacion... no estas obligado a nada, es decision tuya si me quieres responder o contactar, solo quiero que sepas que aqui nos gustaria conocerte, saber de ti y que al menos yo si te he buscado, me puedes buscar x face, mi nombre es Luciano Toro y sale una bandera mapuche en mi perfil o mi mail es mapu514@hotmail.com, me alegro mucho de tu camino, de q te interese la tecnologia y la tecnica en sonido, te cuento q aca tengo una banda q se llama kon-fusion, buscala en youtube pa q veai mas o menos lo que hacemos, aqui tb grabo algunas cosas pero soy mas amateur aunq igual me las traigo. Bueno eso, si algun dia lees esto y quieres conversar o necesitas algo aqui estare, un abrazo!


What are some of my favourites pastimes/ hobbies? When I was a child  I liked a lot play nintendo video games with my friends I had a lo...