domingo, 28 de abril de 2019

What is my favourite piece of technology?

My favourite piece of technology probably is the smartphone or the computer both works pretty the same but one is more portable than the other, whatever they are really usefull and easy to use especially if it's conected to internet.

I got my first smartphone when I was 12 and I used it to listen music and play videogames basically, from there I could connect to internet and started discovering this new wolrd. Also I got my first laptop when I was 13 but I used to play videogames with the family computer so I knew how to use it. When I was in high school I use it to download and play videogames and programs, also to made my school work and navigate on internet. Now I use the smartphone and the computer daily mainly to study and sometimes for fun (listen music play a a video game for a little time).

I really like technology I use it a lot and it makes our lives easier and in my personal experience the smartphone, laptop and internet allowed me learn a lot of things, get a lot of fun with videogames Youtube and books.

Resultado de imagen para technologyIf I had not the smartphone or laptop I would have to get books on library, I could not listen music when I want or browse things on internet or play videogames, in fact even my career would be damaged because digital audio would not exist so technology is really important for me.

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